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The Clifton Corner

little boy

Executive Function Coaching

Time Management & Organization


Social & Emotional Support

Learning Differences

Test Stress & Academic Overwhelm


Reading & Writing Anxiety

Critical Thinking Skills


Dr. Clifton is a Board Certified Educational Therapist,

in private practice for over eighteen years.


Educational Therapy at the Corner:  it's a blend of social-emotional support, creativity, and vision...

Your kid is unique, and the way he or she sees the world is special--but that may not be the way it seems right now.  Growing up today can be tough for any kid, but especially for Highly Sensitive Students and Twice-Exceptional Teens.


Sandra knows this journey is worth it, and helps young people navigate their way to more confidence in the classroom, stronger relationships with peers, and better harmony at home.

Collage of art

" ...the best coaching is always performed as a work of art,

not a paint-by- numbers piece. " 

-Talane Miedaner

Clifton Corner does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion,

gender identity/expression, citizenship, ethnic or national origin, age, disability,

or sexual orientation in providing services.​

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